Intitulé de la matière : Anglais scientifique
Intitulé de l’UE : UET2.1.1
Crédits : 3
Coefficients : 1
Objectifs de l’enseignement :
Utilisation de l'Anglais en communication scientifique, en particulier, en mathématiques.
Connaissances préalables recommandées : Anglais de base
Contenu de la matière :
- Teaching the specialized vocabulary of applied mathematics.
- Students learn how to use the basic language of mathematics to communicate effectively in the formal register of applied mathematics.
- Teaching the grammatical rules and structures of applied mathematics, including the use of empirical evidence, logical arguments, skepticism, questioning, criticism, reflecting, predicting, hypothesizing,…etc.
- Exposing and introducing students to mathematical discourse through mathematical texts. This is likely to enhance their knowledge and understanding of mathematical terminology and register (definitions, specification, theorems, proofs, restatements, pointers, citations,…etc)
Mode d’évaluation : Contrôle continu.